Publicity on TV! #Publicity BE HEARD IN THE WORLD! Watch our client on NBC TV. #AnnieJenningsPR believes that all authors and experts should get their chance of positively impacting the world. Get publicity in major cities. Excellent for book promotion, marketing and author PR! #Marketing #Publicity #Self-PublishedAuthors #AuthorPR #PublicReleations #AnnieJenningsPR
Radio talk show campaign for author publicity. Real author and client, Dr. Richard, was booked on the nationally syndicated radio shows and heard on 600+ radio stations and booked on 11 high-listenership 50,000 watt shows. Dr. R. was also booked for radio interviews in major cities such as San Diego, Chicago, Portland, Cincinnati, Seattle, Minneapolis and more. #RadioTalkCampaign, #Self-PublishedAuthors, #BookPromotion, #BookMarketing, #TopPRFirm, #AnnieJennings PR
Annie Jennings PR got me publicity on a major NYC national TV show . . . Soon after, Weldon says, we got a call from a major firm about doing sales training for their team. Media attracts opportunities. But how many other business opportunities came from our big media placements on TV, online media and radio talk shows? #BookPromotion #AnnieJenningsPR #Publicity #PRFirm #BookOnTV #RadioCampaign #AuthorPR
#Publicity #AnnieJenningsPR Book marketing with a top city radio campaign Get unlimited media training included with each radio publicity campaign. Media trainer is an award-winning former news producer & booker for your entire radio talk show PR campaign. YOU will be fabulous on your radio show interviews – prepared, savvy & confident! Radio is excellent for book promotion, marketing and PR for your book. Self published authors welcome.
Radio campaign for authors book marketing and promotion. Real publicity story tells about working with Annie Jennings PR for a radio talk show book marketing campaign. They offer a publicity performance guarantee and unlimited media training free. They booked big radio talk shows in major cities. Every PR deliverable was met and was exceeded! Get the best radio campaign for authors, #bookmarketing and #bookpromotion with #AnnieJenningsPR
#Publicity #AnnieJenningsPR Real publicity success story: Alana says that she is impressed with Annie Jennings PR. It’s rare to find a company that hustles. Sara, our publicity specialist at Annie’s, booked media right away. Booked major TV show in LA and major online media fast. We SOLD OUT of product! Publicist for authors, publicity for experts on TV, book promotions for self published authors, Annie Jennings PR
Book Marketing For Radio Campaign Author PR Over 1,000 radio talk show stations have heard our client Laurie’s message! Chicago, Boston, San Diego, Seattle, Denver and Detroit have featured her as an expert guest on brand name media outlets – big exposure, big boost to her marketing. #BookPR #Publicity #BestRadioCampaign #TopPublicityFirm #AnnieJennningsPR.
#Publicity with #AnnieJenningsPR firm. Real story featuring Alana & Jared Mitchell: “We have been hiring PR agencies for 13 years. Other firms sell at you hard. With Annie it was different. Within 10 minutes of speaking to Annie I knew we were going to hire #AnnieJenningsPR! Book PR, book promotion, marketing, book publicity,
Get booked on TV Shows with Annie Jennings PR TV #publicity is great way to showcase your expertise. It’s not easy getting booked as so many authors and experts would like a segment. Working with a professional #publicist with strong history of TV booking success can get the job done for you. #Publicity TV Publicity, Marketing, Annie Jennings PR Firm, Get Booked On TV Shows
Radio talk show campaign for major cites and syndicated shows Big cities such as Chicago, San Francisco, Atlanta and Boston can hear your book marketing and promotion. Not to mention the national radio shows aired on SiriusXM Radio. Get coast to coast promotion and marketing exposure for you and your books. Radio interviews for promoting books offers best marketing strategy
Promoting books with radio talk show interviews with top radio booking publicity firm. Hire the radio booking firm w over 20 years of experience that has high quality relationships with the media. Right off the bat, our new author was booked on BIG shows in top markets – San Diego, San Francisco, Houston, Salt Lake City, Cincinnati with National exposure too. Promoting and marketing book publicity strategy Annie jennings PR
Market your book with a radio talk show campaign. Real action! Dr. Nancy was heard on over 750 stations, including several National shows. She blanketed the USA with her book marketing. Booked on SiriusXM, iHeart Media and Salem Radio and in major cities such as Boston, Seattle, Denver, San Diego, Salt Lake City and more. Book marketing for author PR with top publicity firm, Annie Jennings PR.
Radio talk shows work for author publicity Be heard. Our radio talk show author Jomo is scheduled to be heard on a top 50,000 watt news radio station in a big market & will be heard on a nationally syndicated show as well. Authors get UNLIMITED MEDIA TRAINING FREE with our author campaigns. Performance guarantee! Radio talk show campaigns offer authors publicity and book promotion with Annie Jennings PR firm.
Watch real client on TV publicity Outstanding media placement for our client who was booked on major TV in Los Angeles. Alana was able to showcase her expertise as well as her products. WOW! Booked by the professional publicists at Annie Jennings PR. Get booked on TV shows, Los Angeles TV Guests, TV publicity, top TV publicists
Radio interviews for authors, self-published radio campaign with unlimited free media training. Big bookings on major radio stations plus radio interviews on the national shows equals HUGE coverage! Our client Randy was heard on seven (7) 50,000 Watt-plus stations and featured by SiriusXM, iHeart Media, FOX News Radio and more. #Publicity #BookPromotion #RadioCampaign, best radio campaign for author marketing, best publicist for radio for self published authors.
Get booked on national TV news shows, business shows, finance shows. In the consultancy world, being seen as a contributing expert on TV attracts tremendous opportunity. Annie Jennings PR’s professional team specializes in optimizing credentials, experience and point of view so the media is aware of you for their next booking! Top PR firm booking major news shows, publicist for finance, publicist for business CEO’s.
Be heard coast to coast talking about and promoting your book with top radio booking firm, Annie Jennings PR Client wraps her radio show interview campaign w 1100 stations of exposure! The radio shows are phoners, making it easy to get tremendous outreach. National programs included Sirius XM, Westwood One, Fox News Radio #PR Radio talk show interview campaign, best publicist radio for author marketing, top PR radio guaranteed.
TV publicity for author PR, self-published authors, marketing. Get booked on TV shows to build a strong media bio that can help you land more media. Media loves to see their future guests on the air, sharing their message-contributing in a meaningful and valuable way. It’s great for the show and these guests are in demand! Get TV publicity with top national media book firm, Annie Jennings PR
The best radio talk show campaign for authors is with Annie Jennings PR! A huge radio campaign for our client Theresa! She has been heard on 1,700+radio stations across the nation. Major cities include Los Angeles, Atlanta, Boston & San Diego as well as Nationally Syndicated shows that help share your message coast to coast! #BookPromotion #Publicity Author publicity, best publicist for self published books & marketing.
Get publicity and book promotion on national TV! Watch Annie’s author Andrew Wittman PhD appear on national TV to talk about his new book Seven Secrets of Resilience for Parents that helps parents navigate the stress of parenthood. Appearing on TV is a key to outstanding book promotion for authors. Book promotion, book marketing, top PR firm, best publicist for authors, Annie Jennings PR!
Hand-pitched publicity like the good old days! Here, you are one of a kind, not one of the masses. These days the media is swamped with people wanting the media opportunity. Sure, many are perfect matches. They go unnoticed. Why? Too many trying to get in the door all vying for the same media spot. Get media promotion with a hand-pitched touch.
Fast start publicity and book marketing campaign with radio talk shows. Want to tour the USA practically overnight? Getting booked on radio is how you do it. In her first four radio talk show interview bookings our client Teresa G. could be heard on over 1700 stations! #BookPromotion #Publicity Best ways to promote a book, book marketing ideas, book promotion campaign w radio talks shows authors.
Radio talk show campaign for author publicity and book promotion. Author Dr. Nancy O is off to quick start in radio campaign – heard in top markets Boston and San Diego. She was booked on a nationally syndicated radio show. Authors get book marketing. Be a guest on radio talk shows. Unlimited media training. #BookPromotion #Publicity Author book promotion publicity radio shows. Get unlimited media training performance guarantee.
Publicity & book marketing on the radio campaign. Annie Jennings PR provides authors, experts and speakers with the number #1 big city only radio talk show campaign with a performance guarantee and unlimited media training. Bookings can also include nationally syndicated programs. Get guaranteed publicity. We book it or you don’t suffer. #BookPromotion #PR Performance publicity services, pay for play publicity, guaranteed publicity, top publicist for authors.
Best radio campaign for author, radio publicity, top city radio shows booked for authors. #RADIO CAMPAIGN Famous Annie Jennings PR “guaranteed deliverable” TOP CITY nationally syndicated radio campaign. Promote your book in interview. Authors/clients reach from 280, 300, 340, 600, 1,000, 1,200 stations w a handful of interviews. Great PR! Radio talk show campaign, radio campaign for authors, best big city radio campaign with nationally syndicates radio bookings.
Radio campaign for authors with best radio booker in USA. Big radio campaign. Joan C. was booked on one of a Top 15 National Radio Talk Show in America PLUS a Regional NPR Network. Great book promotion for authors to be heard in the world. #Publicity #BookPromotion Radio campaign for authors, book promotion via radio talk show campaign for book promotion.
Get the best book promotion for authors with the famous Annie Jennings PR marketing and author publicity services. Our authors book promotion includes radio interview on over 550 stations. From Boston to San Diego and everywhere in between! Another reason why we are one of the top book marketing companies. #BookPromotionServices Book promotion for authors, book PR, top book marketing firm in the US, performance-based publicity.
#TVPublicity, best publicity for authors. Get booked on TV shows! Booked by Annie Jennings PR! Must watch video on our client’s new book, Consistency Selling, by Weldon Long. Weldon appears on MSNBC TV and shares insider tips on making sales work for you. Excellent job. Congrats to all! Publicity, book promotion, top PR firm for author book marketing.
Market a book with a radio campaign – big radio shows in major cities from San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego to Chicago, Miami, Denver, Washington DC to Boston to Philadelphia & more! Radio talk show client book author Kurt E on a top station in San Francisco and a nationally syndicated program. #Publicity #BookPromotion Get top PR firm book promotion, best PR firm for author PR and radio campaigns.
Get book promotion and author PR on a top #1 radio talk show campaign. Our author David B will get the opportunity to speak to one of the most influential radio hosts in the country, Bill Cunningham of 700WLW. Cincinnati’s #1 radio talk station and one of the highest rated radio stations in the USA. Best publicist for radio, publicity firm for authors, book PR, promoting books, Annie Jennings PR.
Book PR and book promo with #1 top ten publicist Annie Jennings PR #BookPromotion Author & client, Elizabeth Primamore PhD says “Working w Annie Jennings PR was a terrific experience. I was prepared for the radio shows. I was part of a team. Annie & her publicists wanted me to succeed as much as I wanted to succeed!” Promote a book, book marketing, self-published authors, PR book
Radio talk show campaign for self-published author publicity #Publicity # BookPromotion What a start for our new client Branch! Two nationally syndicated morning shows with a combined reach of 335 radio stations. Radio packs a punch. Campaigns include unlimited media training and a performance guarantee. Big radio shows in major cities with nationally syndicated radio shows. Top ranked PR firm Annie Jennings PR #1 Radio campaign publicity for books.
Get publicity with a PR strategy by a top ten PR firm, Annie Jennings PR. Author Brad W. says “what a fabulously creative, trustworthy, honest group of publicists. When they tell you they will get results they do just that. We went back to them for a second round of radio interviews. Get #1 best radio campaign, author PR, author book promotion and marketing. Self published authors welcome.
High-quality PR with a top ten publicity firm for major media exposure Annie Jennings PR is a national publicity firm w performance-based PR & guaranteed deliverable PR services for authors, experts, speakers, business professionals, CEO’s & more. Our clients rave about the difference working with our PR firm has made in their lives. Annie Jennings PR is the top publicity firm for authors, speakers and experts for major brand name media.
Performance publicity for business professionals for expert status. Move to the top with publicity! #Publicity #AnnieJenningsPR famous performance guaranteed publicity program creates next big media star. Client says “before Anne I was dead in the water. Now, I have a book deal, new offers, speaking gigs. My career has skyrocketed.” Performance publicity, pay for placement publicity programs, top PR firm NYC, LA, Chicago, Dallas, Washington DC, San Diego.
Performance-based publicity for authors, experts and speakers. Get booked on major media for expert status. PR for leaders. Our author was booked over 250 w only 8 shows. She swept USA with national radio talk show interviews & several SiriusXM channels. PR bookings included San Francisco, Atlanta, Seattle, San Diego. Get national publicity on media on major cities such as Boston, NYC, Washington DC, Chicago Los Angeles & more!
Publicist for publishers, self-publishers, independent publishers, authors, print on demand book publicity #Publicity Authors, Tell Your Publisher! #AnnieJenningsPR created a special high-impact radio ‘phoner’ campaign just for them. Publishers get a performance guaranteed deliverable radio campaign for their new book releases that come with unlimited media training. Big radio show publicity interview campaign for authors on high-listenership radio talk shows. It’s HUGE!
#Publicity On TV For Experts & Author Marketing Our client, Eric Cole PhD, Cybersecurity Expert, and author of Online Danger booked on Washington DC network TV. #AnnieJenningsPR creates a compelling, relevant & bookable segment ideas that the media finds helpful & meaningful. Result? BIG BOOKINGS. Dr Cole got 3 segments from just one of our pitches. Book promotion, book marketing services, PR firm for authors, best top ten PR firm.
Book marketing and book promotion services for authors and self-published authors. For best PR results work with a professional in the book publishing industry. Google for a top ten book marketing publicist and chose a publicist with a history of success in your topic. Top publicists have media contacts that help authors get publicity. Top ten book marketing publicist, self-published authors for top PR firm publicity.
Annie guarantees her publicity contracts. Wow! The guarantee of me getting 8 top radio shows in the top markets was exactly right for me. The more I researched, the more I saw the reviews of Annie’s services, the more I realized Annie Jennings PR was going to stand behind their word.
Annie Jennings PR books clients on major TV shows, radio talk show campaigns, print and online media. Annie is a media pro highly respected by PR industry for her contribution and by authors whom she stands for. “I stand for the authors & those wishing to share their message with the world by increasing accessibility via meaningful big-brand media. Publicity for books, book publicist, TV publicity, book promotion
The most powerful radio campaign your money can buy! Talk about powerful! In one of our newest publicity campaigns our client will be heard on 950 stations in just three interviews. National exposure like this can be yours too. Author marketing on radio talk shows. Get your book’s message heard! Radio Campaign Best Publicity Firm Annie Jennings PR, Book Marketing & Book PR
Guaranteed Radio Campaign, Author PR By Top Five Publicity Firm For Authors. #bestradiocampaign One day into his publicity campaign and our client Sanord Kahn is scheduled to be heard on over 300 radio stations across the nation. Reach across the USA with your message? Radio shows are “phoners” – easy to get massive exposure! Best Radio Campaign For Authors, Big Radio Shows In Major Markets! Top Publicist For Authors
#Publicity Top PR firm booking national TV shows for authors. Congratulations to our author, Andrew Wittman PhD, “Seven Secrets of Resilience for Parents”, for his outstanding appearance on Fox & Friends. Book jumped to #1 on Amazon in the competitive Parenting category & remains on top. Get next level media placements that move your reputation and business model forward with Annie Jennings PR! Top Ten PR Firm Booking Authors On National TV Shows
Radio Campaign For Authors Annie offers the most powerful radio campaign your money can buy. You are booked on high-impact, high-listenership radio talk shows in the Top 35 markets that broadcast to the heart of the market and/or on the nationally syndicated shows. Radio shows are ‘phoners’ making it easy to promote your interests nationwide over the telephone. Radio campaign for authors – self published publicity strategies – marketing your book with radio
Radio campaign for book promotions services Three book authors (Frank, Adam & Berend) signed up for our high-impact, high-listenership radio campaign & they were heard on 1890+ stations! Tremendous exposure. Performance guarantee, UNLIMITED MEDIA TRAINING. Big shows, BIG markets with top radio talk show campaign for authors, self-published authors and publishers. Get top marketing radio campaign for book marketing services for authors including self-published books.
#Publicity best book marketing and book promotion for authors. Congrats Frank S. for 300+ radio stations. High impact, high-powered PR in cities on major shows in Boston, Detroit, Denver, San Diego, Houston, Seattle, Miami, Cincinnati to blanketing the USA with National Shows. Unlimited media training, performance guarantee, big shows top markets and national shows. Authors say “run don’t walk to #AnnieJenningsPR“! #1 radio campaign, authors, book promotion, publicity, expert status.
#RadioCampaign Great for author PR and book promotion Want tremendous exposure across the USA? Sign up with Annie Jennings PR for your radio campaign. Our radio team booked over 600 stations worth of national exposure for our clients yesterday. Huge book promotion, book marketing and publicity power! #Publicity Radio Campaign Author PR Publicity Best Publicist Self-Published Authors
#AnnieJenningsPR was willing to make guarantees. She really listened to me. I felt really supported.
I think Annie really got me right away. The clincher was her professionalism. I have worked with CEOs who are worth millions and I have seen many professionals. Annie was a professional. She knew what needed to get done. Her energy was impressive!
Publicity for self published authors, radio publicity, top ten publicity firm. #Publicity Real Story, Author Says “Annie Exudes Confidence, She Knows She Can Do It!” JoJo Dries, Workplace Speaker & Author of The Lotus: How I Beat the Patriarchy says Annie was not flashy, she exuded confidence. She handled it LIKE A BOSS.” #AnnieJenningsPR for book promotion and book marketing. Publicity Book Promotion Service For Self Published Author PR
#UnlimitedMediaTraining, #RadioCampaignGuarantee #Best Publicist Annie’s radio campaign includes unlimited media training. Learn how to be a great guest. You’ll learn lots of insider secrets including to ‘dress for success’ even though the radio shows are done over the phone. You can reach across the country with just your telephone, you and Annie Jennings PR bookings! #Great radio campaigns for authors, #publicity, #book promotion, #book marketing services
Author says “BEST PUBLICIST FOR BOOK AUTHORS!” Author says “I was blown away by Annie’s radio campaign’s performance guarantee. Big radio in major cities & nationals. This is legitimate PR campaign that goes above and beyond the goals you set for yourself – PR team to go with.” Work with a top national PR firm for radio campaigns, getting booked on local TV shows, online media and book marketing and promotion.
Author publicity best with unlimited media training. Annie Jennings PR’s #1 radio talk show campaign offers authors book promotion and publicity with radio interviews booked on big radio in major cities. Annie offers a performance money-back guarantee with unlimited media training. Many authors tell Annie that this radio campaign”is the best!”. Get book promotion, book marketing with best radio campaign for authors.
#BESTRadioCampaign Jennifer signed up for 16 radio shows & was heard on 1,100+ radio stations. Impressive exposure. Top 45 markets (cities), syndicated shows too. Guaranteed deliverables. UNLIMITED media training included. Jennifer says “Annie is the only publicist who guarantees her contracts!” Get best book promotion, book marketing, author PR, top PR firm for authors.
Who is the best publicist for book marketing? Our client, Robert S. has been on 580+ stations across the USA Major cities San Francisco, Miami, Detroit, San Diego, Philadelphia, Denver & more. National exposure for his book has reached coast to coast and he can now leverage these big media brands in future marketing efforts, giving him a competitive edge. Best book marketing and book promotion, #1 radio talk show campaign, PR Firm.
Publicity for book promotion, book marketing online with top PR firm, Annie Jennings is the best! Many authors opt to sign up for our top market radio campaign to get immediate access to their audience. Radio is a top book promotion strategy. Get booked on the shows fast, media-trained fast & enjoy coast to coast exposure. There is just lots of action fast! Best Publicists, Book Marketing, Top PR Firm, Authors, Books
Book promotion services gets big results. Annie’s client says, “I achieved massive success w Annie. My media profile is so big now – got a big publishing house for a major book deal. It would never have happened without Annie. It’s literally insane to not work with Anne Jennings PR.” Promote your book with best book promotion publicist ranking top ten publicity firm for authors.
Book promotion with a radio talk show campaign, author book marketing Radio gets best book marketing exposure. Be heard on hundreds of stations with a handful of bookings. This includes major markets like Atlanta, San Diego, Detroit, Pittsburgh, New Orleans, Cincinnati and many more via the National Shows. Best book promotion and book marketing with radio campaign. Lots of author publicity.
Guaranteed publicity for authors, speakers, business executives. Work with top ten publicist in NYC, LA, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, San Diego & major cities. Authors say that Annie is the only PR firm that guarantees publicity. Other PR firms say they can’t promise a booking. But ask for $6,000 to “try”. Not #AnnieJenningsPR. Annie is admired for her performance guarantee. Get guaranteed publicity – best PR firm author book marketing book promotion.
Radio talk show campaign, author PR, book promotion for authors #Publicity Annie’s top city radio talk show interview campaign comes with unlimited media training at no extra cost to you. You’ll learn how to be a prepared, confident and savvy radio guest. Radio shows are over the phone so your energy levels are key to building rapport. Book promotion services for authors, media training for radio shows.
Author demo reel, speaker demo reel – get booked on TV and create your demo reel. Want a professionally produced media demo like this one? Annie’s professional media team will select your best clips and create an influential TV media demo that showcases your talent and expertise as a media savvy and knowledgeable expert. Author demo reel for book promotion. Speaker demo reel for marketing with TV media bookings.
Book promotion, book marketing services and author PR. #BookPR #TopPublicist #NYCPublicist You may know how to write a book but do you know how to promote a book? Annie Jennings PR and her book promotion services make it easy. Market a book with confident. Radio campaigns come with unlimited media training. Books PR, Radio Talk Show Campaign, #1 radio talk show interviews, best publicist in NYC.
How to promote my book? How do I market my book? Listen to a real publicity author tell what works for marketing, book promotion & publicity. Joan says “Annie is a very impressive person. She also has heart. #AnnieJenningsPR has passion. I don’t want to take chance working with anyone else. Promote a book, market a book, get publicity on a book from top publicist for authors.
How to promote your book, promote a book, book promotion services for authors #Publicity. Get a video demo from Annie Jennings PR. See Rebecca Wasler’s, author Wealth Unbroken, TV demo showcasing her on TV as a top expert. Media savvy too! Clients get FREE media training. Professional video team creates great demos (they pick your best moments)! Book promotion for authors, best book promotion, how to promote your book.
Book promotion with radio talk show campaign. Get best publicity. Congrats to our publicity author, Marie U. who did 9 radio talk show interviews this morning. Marie was heard coast to coast with her message. Radio campaigns are best for author PR and self-published. Unlimited media training comes w your radio campaign. Best book promotion for authors, radio talk show campaign. Publicity book strategy for new self-published authors.
Book marketing campaigns include radio talk show interviews for author publicity. Our client was heard on over 1,100 stations during his radio campaign! He can now leverage big media brands such as SiriusXM, FOX News Radio, Radio America, iHeart Media, and CBS to give him a competitive advantage. Expert book promotion and publicity strategies at #AnnieJenningsPR. Book marketing campaigns, book marketing services, marketing my books
Book marketing and book promotion author get big opportunities with #1 publicist, Annie Jennings PR Our book marketing client is off to a BIG start with his radio talk show campaign. He is booked to interview on a nationally syndicated show that airs on over 250 stations and he talked to a major station in Cincinnati. Best Book Marketing Companies, Marketing A Book, Marketing My Book
Publicity Booking Services On TV in major cities San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston, Washington DC & More #Publicity client, Online Safety Expert, Eric Cole PhD’s TV appearance aired across USA-major cities New York, San Francisco, Boston, Phoenix, Seattle, Las Vegas, networks ABC, NBC, CW, FOX and CBS (media value $150,000+ Publicity On TV For Experts, Author PR, Speaker PR, CEO’s, top media booking firm appearing on TV shows expert guest.
Are you a self-published author searching for book marketing strategies and services? Work with a top #1 publicity firm specializing in book PR. We book major media via TV, print & online media & offer the most powerful radio talk show campaign. You get booked on the major radio shows in the top markets cities in the USA plus regional and nationally syndicated radio shows. Self-Published Book Promotion Marketing PR Firm, Best Publicist […]
Self published authors best marketing services for book promotion. New self-published authors have lots of questions about the best way to promote their new book. Book marketing can be confusing with so many choice available to the author. At #AnnieJenningsPR, a top national book promotion firm, Annie advises you on how to choose the right PR strategy. Book Marketing For Self Published Authors, Best Book Marketing Services
Publicity, book publicity, book marketing are #AnnieJenningsPR campaigns – radio campaigns for author promotion. We are proud of the high exposure PR services we provide and to have created the most powerful radio campaign for the authors, speakers and heads of companies. Our goal is for you to reach your book promotion and marketing goals. #1 publicity campaign, book promotion with best publicist Annie Jennings PR
Book promotion, book marketing, online marketing, author PR firm, best publicists USA! Get book book promotion and author PR by working with one of the top PR firms in the national. You get a performance guarantee, unlimited media training, major media bookings in big cities on big radio talk shows. Get book promotion, online marketing, book marketing with a top national PR firm Annie Jennings PR
Publicity on TV, national TV guests, publicity on major TV shows, guest on cable news, TV talk shows, local TV in major cities. From a business or career point of view, being known in your industry as an influencer and thought leader leads to major opportunities. Get booked on TV shows for book marketing, creating a powerful platform and expert status.
Power radio talk show campaign for author book promotion and book marketing services UNLIMITED Media Training by an award winning radio news producer is included in our radio campaigns. Feel confident knowing you will be prepared for your interviews. Expand to your highest potential! #bookmarketingonline #bookpromotion #bestprfirm. Book promotion radio interviews book publicity author marketing books self publishing
Get booked on TV shows in cities and national TV shows. #TVPublicity Congrats to #AnnieJenningsPR client, Peter Horst, B.A. from Harvard, MBA The Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth, ranked on Forbes’ Top 50 Global CMO list. Peter talks about brands taking a stand on social issues. Want high-powered performance-based TV publicity and/or book promotion? Best PR firm for TV shows, get booked on TV shows, performance-based PR firm, pay […]
#Publicity #AuthorsRaving #BestPRFirm Congrats to our author and expert, Eric Cole PhD, author Online Danger as on a nationally syndicated TV segment broadcast across the USA with a media value of over $100,000. Want this kind of impressive PR? Be sure to contact Annie to talk about your performance-based media campaign. Best PR firm for authors, best book marketing firm, best publicist, #1 publicity firm
Publicity Podcast Book Promotion Authors Speakers Consutlants #EliteWirePodcast Annie is offering a free podcast opportunity for authors, speakers, consultants and publishing industry service providers such as editors, publishing firms, cover designers and more that allow you to showcase your services. The EliteWire podcast offers valuable benefits. You receive a professionally produced “mini-commercial” podcast recording. Publicity Podcast Book Promotion Publicity Best Publicity Firm Authors
Best radio campaign for author book marketing Our client Dr. Tarra Duford is on Fox News Radio tour to talk about how to pry your kids from video gaming especially the popular “Fortnite”. This author will get tremendous exposure building a strong author platform. Annie is known for creating powerful author platforms. Best radio campaign for author book marketing and book promotion
#BookPromotion #RadioTalk Show #1PublicistBookAuthors Real book PR story – top speaker & author, Dr. Willie Jolley signed on with #AnnieJenningsPR for 12 radio interviews, but was heard on over 350 stations – CBS Radio, FOX News Radio, iHeart & appeared on shows in top markets Chicago, Houston, Boston, Phoenix, San Diego+. Dr. Jolley says “I highly recommend #AnnieJenningsPR! Book Promotion, Radio Talk Shows #1 Book Publicist For Authors
#Publicity #BookPublicity Author PR Publicity helps authors, experts, speakers, companies and thought leaders to create powerful national expert status and favorable positioning within their industry by accessing select media that supports their goals and objectives. Get the best publicity for your book today with guarantee of bookings – guaranteed publicity for authors . Publicist, Book Publicity, Author PR, Annie Jennings PR Firm Top Book Marketing Firm
Radio campaign for book marketing for authors. Congrats to our client, Noelle Randall, author of Marley Does It Again, Hair Day. Noelle signed up for an 8 radio show campaign and received 11 radio interviews (the extras are free, with our compliments). Noelle is on 1,000+ stations as the syndicated shows provide extensive outreach and FOX News Radio, SiriusXM and iHeart Media, FOX on Family. Included are major markets Boston, Atlanta, San […]
#RadioCampaign #PR for #Books, Best publicity firm for book marketing Dr. Eric Cole, author of “Online Danger”reached over 650 radio talk stations across the nation with just his 18 radio talk show phoner campaign. Major markets such as San Francisco, Houston, Dallas, DC, NJ/NYC, Philadelphia, St Louis, San Diego, Boston, Miami, San Antonio, Cincinnati, Cleveland & more Radio Campaign For Authors, Book Marketing PR, Books, Book Promotion
Radio publicity, authors on radio shows, book promotion on radio talk shows. Our #radiopublicity client Susan Shumsky booked on 550KTRS in St. Louis to talk about why Wild Wild Country paints a crazy picture and what’s it really like living with a guru. #BooksPR #Publicity Radio publicity for authors, book promotion on radio shows, #1 radio booking PR firm.
Author publicity, book marketing and promoting books is Annie Jennings PR specialty. Radio talk show campaign promotes a book. Our client Adam Russo was heard on 1,100+ radio stations in his radio campaign. He can leverage big media brands such as SiriusXM, FOX News Radio, Radio America, iHeart Media, and CBS for competitive advantage! #BookPR Get author publicity, book marketing and book promotion from America’s #1 publicity firm for authors.
#RadioPR #AnnieJenningsPR, #AuthorPR #BooksPR Annie Jennings PR is a top national radio publicity booking firm. Radio shows have BIG listenership waiting to hear your interview (and shows are phoners too, making it so easy to tour the nation with your book) Guaranteed deliverables comes with each radio campaign and UNLIMITED #FREE MEDIA TRAINING. #RadioPR #AnnieJenningsPR, #AuthorPR #BooksPR, Promoting Books, Number One Publicist
#Publicity #Books #PR, Author PR, Publicist, Top Publicist Congrats to client, J.D. and Finance Expert, Rebecca Walser, on San Francisco TV on tax scams. BIG TV shows for our TV clients. Annie specializes in major city network TV shows. #Publicity #Books #PR, Author PR, Publicist, Top Publicist
#Books #PR #Booksales, #BookPromotion Authors ask how they can sell more books. Annie says “get booked on radio talk shows – big audience where you can showcase ur message & promote ur book. Readers say they buy from authors they hear in an interview, see on TV or read about online.” Books PR, radio talk show campaign, radio interviews, best radio show booking firm in publicity, Annie Jennings PR
#BooksPR #BookMarketing, #PromotingBooks Congrats to our client, Rebecca Walser, JD & Financial Advisor, author of Wealth Unbroken on Houston FOX TV. She talks about how millennial’s FOMO impacts their financial security. Great showcase segment! Books PR, Author Publicity, Book Marketing, Promoting Books, Annie Jennings PR
#Publicity #BookPromotion #TVBookMarketing Congrats to our client, parenting expert Dr. Jonice Webb author of Running On Empty No More. Dr. Webb specializes in child development & family therapy. Dr. Webb shares how to emotionally connect with your child. Publicity, book promotion, TV book marketing, author PR, top publicity firm #AnnieJenningsPR
#Publicity, #authorPR, #bookmarketing success! Get BIG NUMBERS for your publicity outreach. Get booked on 5,000+ radio stations with millions of total listeners. Radio shows are phoners making it easy to reach across America. #AnnieJenningsPR books the big nationally syndicated radio shows and major shows in top cities. Authors get #FREE unlimited media training for radio. Performance guarantee! Radio talk show publicity campaign, book author marketing
Top radio talk show publicity campaign Our client, Adam Russo, 1,100 stations in his 8 radio talk show campaign! (Annie offers lots of extra value – free unlimited media training-national radio shows kicks up exposure to the max!) Adam can leverage big media brands SiriusXM, FOX News Radio, Radio America, iHeart Media, CBS for competitive advantage. #BookPR Book promotion, author marketing, PR firm for author publicity, best PR firm for authors.
#Publicity #Booked! “I am getting hire fees already!” says real #AnnieJenningsPR client. Guaranteed performance PR firm (NO monthly retainers). Build brand, credibility and influence, just like consultant Anna Conrad J.D., author of (R)evolution: One Man’s Leadership Journey and founder of Impact Leadership Solutions! Pay for placement media bookings, guaranteed performance, radio shows for authors with best radio booking PR firm.
#Publicity #BookMarketing #BestPRFirm NBC TV in DC. for Dr. Cole on how to keep kids connected & safe. He notes that cyber-background checks may impact your teen’s future regarding college admission. Find out how you can be on TV shows across the USA including all the major cities. Contact Book promotion, author marketing, best PR firm for authors, performance guarantee PR, top publicity firm for authors
Best publicist for authors, book promotion, book publicity Just got this note from a client: Thanks for the honor of working with you Annie! It’s been just over a year ago and I am STILL reaping the benefits of my national radio tour. Thanks Linda Williams! #BookPR #Publicity #BestPublicist #AuthorPR
Book publicity companies offer book publicity services including book PR and radio campaigns. #PublicRelations #AuthorPR Congrats to publicity author, Rebecca Walser, Tax Attorney & Financial Planner, who offers millennials advice on how to manage their money in ways that create wealth for them over time. Get booked on TV to showcase expert status, add power to your influence, credibility. Book PR, radio campaign, publicist for authors, Annie Jennings PR TV bookings
#TVPublicity, #BookPromotion, #BookMarketing Great segment filled with insight and tips on how to avoid over-spending, getting into more debt and plan activities that don’t cost a bundle. Rebecca also advises automatic saving plans as a way to starting building that nest egg. Rebecca is a great guest! Who is the best PR firm in the country? Author PR Firm, Top Ten #1PRFirm, Annie Jennings PR
#Publicity. #BookPromotion #BestPublicistFor Authors. We asked a real publicity client Linda Williams this: “What would you say of hiring Annie for their publicity? She says “position yourself to take advantage as #1 it’s cost effective. Plus Annie is the only one who would promise a guarantee. Book publicist, book publicity, marketing for authors, sell your book, book sales, top PR firm
What difference did Annie’s #publicity firm make in your life? Real publicity client says “Without Annie I would be dead in the water. I have been doing this for 30 years. It’s only within the last two years that I have done anything different – I signed with Annie Jennings PR. Now, I can’t keep up with it all! Book marketing firm, publicist for authors, PR publicist, author publicity, #AnnieJenningsPRFirm
I did my research and found Annie Jennings PR among others and dug deep. I think Annie really got me right away. The clincher was her professionalism. I have worked with CEOs who are worth millions and I have seen many professionals. Annie was a professional. She knew what needed to get done. Her energy was impressive and that was exactly what I needed. It was a good feeling.
#Publicity #bookpromotion, top PR firm, guaranteed PR. Annie Jennings PR real publicity author says “the first lesson of publicity is to ork with a performance-based PR firm. Don’t blow away a lot of money w traditional retainer PR companies. Hire performance publicity firm – that’s Annie Jennings PR! Performance-based PR firm, creator of author platform strategy, get booked on TV, get booked on radio shows.
Real Client Publicity Tips:You want a performance publicity firm who puts their money where their mouth is – that’s Annie Jennings PR Annie Jennings PR gets paid for delivering the media bookings that fall within what their promise to you. This is called guaranteed deliverable and performance-based publicity.
It’s important to leverage the talents of the great team at Annie Jennings PR in order to create and get your message out into the world. To let your voice be heard. That is why I have been a client for the last several years and made Annie a core element of what we do as a business.
Congrats to our book promotion, book marketing client, Adam Russo! Adam signed up for 8 radio talk shows but got 12 interviews. Adam was heard on over 1,100 stations, including major markets Houston, Phoenix, San Diego, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Detroit and more via the national shows, SiriusXM, FOX News Radio, Radio America, iHeart Media, and CBS. Book promotion, book marketing, author PR firm, top book publicist, #AnnieJenningsPR
Publicity, author PR, book marketing with the best publicist. #Publicity #AuthorMarketing – Author Donna Jean Gerrier says “Marketing people approach me – such a sales pitch. This was my first book. I didn’t know how to market my book. A friend said “go with Annie Jennings, you will never regret it”. Publicity Author Marketing Book Promotion Best Publicist Annie Jennings PR
#Publicity creates national expert status, credibility for your reputation. If you are not the guest or expert in the media, you open the door for someone else to be – your competitors. The media world will not stop spinning. It will just spin with someone else in the expert contributor spot. Secure the spot for yourself – smart business move. #Publicity for business success, marketing strategies, media bookings, top PR firm for authors
TV publicity, best publicist for author, new book, marketing, author PR w Annie Jennings PR Firm. #BookPromotion #TVPublicity Congrats to our client, parenting expert Dr. Jonice Webb author of Running On Empty No More. Dr. Webb specializes in child development. Dr. Webb says that parents have to be emotionally available and be in touch with their child’s emotions. TV publicity, number one publicist for authors, marketing, low-cost PR, author PR.
Book promotion, marketing and PR, top PR firm for authors Our PR firm offers the top radio talk show campaign in the industry for book authors, marketing and promotion. You get bookings in big cities and each campaign comes with unlimited media training and a performance guarantee. Book promotion, publicity, best PR firm for authors, book marketing firm
TV publicity, author book promotion, top publicist, best publicist firm for books Congrats to our publicity client, parenting expert Dr. Jonice Webb author Running On Empty No More. Dr. Webb specializes in child development & amily therapy. She says that parents have to be emotionally available to be in touch with their child’s emotions. Book promotion, author PR, book marketing, top best PR firm, Annie Jennings PR
#BookPromotion, publicity, author PR, book marketing, best publicist Fun publicity story of an author seeking out publicity help & speaking with a few #PRfirms. What did she find out? She says “they all had dollar signs in their eyes, but not Annie, she offered great prices w TONS of free valuable perks!” You get a performance guarantee, bookings in big cities only, FREE unlimited media training with your radio campaign. #BookPromotion, publicity, […]
Book promotion, publicity, author PR, radio campaign Dr. Willie Jolley tells us about their Annie Jennings PR experience for 12 radio interviews, but received much – was heard on over 350 stations. Willie says “#AnnieJenningsPR gets you on the air. I highly, let me say it again, I highly recommend Annie Jennings PR. They get the job done!” Book promotion, publicity, author PR, radio campaign, top book publicist Annie Jennings PR
Publicity authors, book promotion, top radio campaign for new books. Real story podcast (listen now to discover how an Annie Jennings PR radio campaign benefits the author!) by Certified Personal and Professional Life Coach and author of Whose Apple is it, Anyway? Linda signed on with Annie Jennings PR for eight radio talk show interviews and received 17 during her campaign, appearing on over 70 stations. Book promotion, PR services […]
TV Publicity Major Media NYC, DC, Chicago LA TV Shows. Watch our client, Eric Cole PhD, author of Online Safety appearing on NBC Washington TV. Dr. Cole shares tips on how families can keep their children safe online & shares cell phone location safety tips/settings for your child’s phone. Get booked on TV shows, author publicity on TV, top ten publicity firm booking media.
Publicity success strategy for authors Publicity podcast features Fortune 500 Leadership Consultant, Anna Conrad, J.D., author of (R)evolution: One Man’s Leadership Journey and founder of Impact Leadership Solutions. Anna did 8 shows in her radio talk show publicity campaign. She was heard on 310+ stations – big media brands CBS Radio, iHeart Media & National Shows with popular hosts such as Gordon Deal, blanketing the USA. Publicity #1 top ten PR firm Annie Jennings PR
Get best book promotion for your new book. With a radio book promotion campaign you get booked on the radio talk show interview in the highest impact, high listenership to radio markets that reach tens of thousands or more of listeners just waiting to hear your every word. #BookPR #Publicity Promotion Books Best Publicist For Author Publicity
TV publicity for authors #TVPublicity #AnnieJenningsPR Authors & experts love to work with national publicity firm Annie Jennings PR to create a top level media expert reputation for them. TV showcases your talent and helps you build your national expert status, credibility and clout. Connect with Annie to get booked on major media too! Get TV publicity, book promotion, author PR, radio interviews w Annie Jennings PR
Radio talk show campaign for #Annie Jennings PR author is a big success. Rebecca Walser JD CFP, author Wealth UnBroken, heard 450 radio stations with a handful of interviews including major markets such as Houston, Seattle, Dallas, Washington DC, Boston and coast to coast w 8 Nationally Syndicated interviews that brought Rebecca’s message across the nation. Radio talk show campaign for authors, get booked on radio with Annie Jennings PR Firm.
#TVPublicity for authors, experts and speakers on major city TV shows Congrats to our publicity client, Rebecca Walser JD, CFP, author Wealth UnBroken for outstanding expert appearance on San Francisco TV. #AnnieJenningsPR is a leading PR firm having booked thousands of guest on the air. Free media training provided to all clients. #PRFirm Get book promotion, publicity, booked on TV shows in major cities, morning show TV
Publicity, book promotion and marketing from best publicist! #Publicity Listen to real author #PR success story podcast and discover what it’s like to work with #AnnieJennings PR. This author, who has worked with Annie for 15 years says “when I have a new book, I call Annie Jennings PR! Top book marketing publicity for author PR Annie Jennings PR
Be a national expert with bookings on major TV, radio, print and online media. Creating certainty is a major factor in being hired for major opportunities. Big publicity on major media demonstrates you have achieved national expert status that can prevail in other situations to your advantage. #BookPR #Publicity #1 publicity firm for booking TV, radio talk shows, online media – Annie Jennings PR
Radio talk show campaign for authors should be powerful! Our client Angela Nuttle has been heard on over 2000 stations during her radio campaign. If you are looking to build that expert status in your field Annie Jennings PR can help you accomplish that. #BookPR #Publicity Publicity Radio Talk Shows Author PR Book Promotion Annie Jennings PR
Top PR firm books radio talk show tours, national TV shows, online media bookings Annie set out to create the most powerful and influential radio talk show campaign that her clients could buy. To accomplish this goal, she designed your radio campaign to include only bookings on the high-impact, high-listenership radio talk shows. #PR Get top publicity and book promotion author services with Annie Jennings PR
Major TV Show Media, Author Promotion, National Expert Status. #Publicity #AnnieJenningsPR Congrats to our publicity client and author Dr. Eric Cole for his excellent commentary on NBC Nightly News TV. Great exposure, lots of clout at this high level of media. Being a top national expert on TV building credibility, influence and clout. TV Publicity, Radio Talk Show Campaigns For Authors, Expert Publicity, Annie Jennings PR
Get publicity on TV shows, radio talk shows and online PR At Annie Jennings PR we do a creation of in-demand segment ideas and cutting edge news hooks using our in-depth knowledge of the media to get the attention of the major media in a way that gets you booked. #BookPR #Publicity Publicity, Book Promotion, Top Author PR Firm, Annie Jennings PR
Best publicity firm ever! What does Annie’s client say about her? “Annie’s firm is the best PR firm I have ever worked with and I have worked with a few. And her personality? I want to be around someone so upbeat and incredible as Annie. Totally LOVE HER!” Get book promotion, author PR, book marketing, public relations with #1 PR firm, Annie Jennings PR
Publicity, marketing, radio campaigns and author PR with top publicity firm, Annie Jennings PR. Work with Annie to access our unique pricing model that offers performance guarantees and highly targeted pitching that designed just for you! #BookPR #Publicity Unlimited radio talk show media training, publicity and promotion, best publicist for radio shows, top ten publicity firm, NYC area.
Radio talk show campaign. Get #1 radio PR for authors with top Annie Jennings PR firm. Our client Rick Haltermann was featured on a @foxnewsradio tour this morning where he did 11 radio talk show interviews with stations across the USA reaching tens of thousands or more with his message. #BookPR #Publicity Radio Publicity, Radio PR, Best Radio Shows, Guaranteed PR Bookings
#TV Publicity, PR campaign for big TV bookings Watch our client, author Dr. Eric Cole, on the national morning show CBS This Morning He was excellent. Would you like help growing as a media expert? Annie Jennings PR has a top, rock solid strategy for authors to achieve their greatness. Radio talk shows, publicity campaign, PR and book promotion, radio PR
Marketing and PR What’s Annie’s performance-based PR program about? You don’t pay monthly retainers, you can be our client for years (again, with no retainer paid monthly) & capture big media as topics/trends become relevant to your expertise. Like Brian did. Work with top ten publicity firm and publicist Annie Jennings PR for author publicity.
Publicity on TV shows, radio shows, online media and online news outlets is great for PR. Author love getting booked on TV shows in their local cites as well as their regional TV shows. National TV booking are highly desired by authors, experts & speakers. They reach across the USA providing tremendous exposure. Annie Jennings PR firm book authors, experts & speakers on TV shows, local regional and nationally syndicated news shows.
Work with the #1 PR firm book radio talk show campaigns. Get booked as a radio guest creates superstar status as your message is heard on the major shows in the big media cities. Annie Jennings PR books one of the most powerful radio talk show campaigns available in PR today. Get booked on radio talk shows to promote a book, book marketing and author PR.
Publicity on TV shows, online media and radio talk shows #Publicity Discover this real publicity story of our author and client, Andrew Wittman PhD. He’s making his goals and dreams come true and tells us how much our firm has helped him. Get book promotion, book PR, marketing and publicity from top ten PR firm in NYC.
Publicity on TV shows, online media, radio talk shows. Annie Jennings PR is a national publicity firm that provides the #1 Radio Talk Show Campaign, access to national media including local, regional and national TV, online media , magazines and newspapers. Annie works with authors, experts, celebrities, CEO’s and firms that wish to get booked on high-powered, influential media. Book promotion, publicity, author PR, PR firm, book marketing
Publicity #Bookpromotion Listen to this real story of publicity success from our client Andrew Wittman PhD. Andrews reveals the strategy he used with Annie to get to his highest levels of success. Andrews says that he was dead in the water before he met Annie! Book promotion, marketing, author PR, top ten NYC PR firm, Annie Jennings PR
#Publicity and #bookpromotion for authors. Clients love that we stand behind our publicity offer with a performance guarantee for our radio talk show author campaigns and the pay for placement #publicity programs offer our clients the chance to target specific media that makes sense to their over achievement strategy. PR Firm, NYC area public relations, authors, CEO’s Executive PR
#BookPR #Publicity On TV Watch Annie’s publicity client on San Diego TV. Do you want to get booked as a guest on a morning show in your city? Let us know! Booking TV in all cities across the USA w performance guarantee and free TV media training. TV is a ‘must have’ for your success! Get book promotion on TV shows with Annie Jennings PR
PR Agency, PR Firm, Top Book Publicist Get the most success in your book marketing and promotion efforts by working with a top industry professional with meaningful and valuable contacts in lots of media. Work with the famous and connected PR firm Annie Jennings PR Book Promotion, Book Marketing, Promoting Books, Author PR, Top PR Firm
#Publicity on TV shows – excellent segment with our publicity client, Rebecca Walser, Tax Attorney, on the new tax law & the changes for individuals. Rebecca did a great job on the show. Our PR firm offers unlimited media training to our clients so they can excel to their highest potential. Nice job Rebecca! Get book promotion, author marketing, PR for books with a top #1 PR firm.
Book promotion and author marketing with a radio talk show campaign. Proud to announce that our client Food Addiction Joan Ifland PhD will be featured on Radio Health Journal which is nationally syndicated to 450 stations. Radio offers tremendous exposure across the USA. Work with the top publicity firm, Annie Jennings PR for author marketing and book promotion.
#Publicity On TV, radio talk shows Congrats to our author & publicity client, Eric Cole, author of Online Danger, who has appeared on over 5,000 radio stations across the USA while working with Annie’s talented and highly-acclaimed radio show booking and PR team. Book promotion, radio campaign, publicity, #1 publicist
#TVPublicity Watch our PR client on TV. Eric Cole PhD, author of Online Danger, appears on Washington DC TV. He did a fabulous job. Great segment especially on dealing with kids, cell phones and living cyber safe. Good tips! Book promotion, TV publicity, radio campaign for authors from best PR firm.
Get publicity, book marketing and promotion with a PR expert Annie Jennings PR quickly identifies how clients can apply their experience, credentials, knowledge and commentary to the socially relevant issues in our society today. Best publicity and book promotion for authors pays off big!
Get the best radio campaign for author publicity Our client Angela Nuttle, author of Compose Your Soul, has been heard on over 2000 radio talk stations during her radio publicity campaign. If you are looking to build that expert status in your field Annie Jennings PR can help you accomplish that success. Get book promotion with radio talk show campaign
Best publicist for TV bookings! Watch our author on TV. Author get a Skype Media training session before their interview so they can be fabulous on the air! Get book promotion, author PR, book marketing via TV publicity!
#Publicity #PRFirm Getting booked as a guest on TV is an important step in your career growth. Our clients love our performance-based business model. Especially the money experts as they say appearing on TV creates tremendous value. Annie offers media training to each client at no extra fee so you can be amazing, prepared and confident on the show! Work with a top best publicist with PR firm Annie Jennings PR!
Author say “Annie is the best PR firm ever”. She gets me. Client love the media bookings that Annie Jennings PR is able to book for her authors. Appearing on TV is a big credential builder and helps create national expert status. Get publicity, book promotion, author publicity from “best publicity firm” ever!
#Publicity Excellent booking for our PR client, Randy Bell PhD author of Me We Do Be. Our publicist, Sara, who has tremendous experience in successfully booking, pitched the segment idea & the producers of the show created an outstanding segment. Nice work! Randy & congrats to our very talented and loved publicist Sara. Proud of you guys! Best PR firm for authors, marketing books publicity firm, top ten publicist
#TVPublicity Watch our Author & Expert, Eric Cole PhD, author of the new book Online Danger on San Francisco TV. Getting booking on TV offers huge exposure and a terrific opportunity for publicity outreach. Great job Eric! Sooooo good. Take a look! Best PR firm for authors.
#Publicity Watch our PR client booked on TV. Want the best publicity for your new book? Check out #AnnieJenningsPR to see what her firm can do for you. Publicity, Best Book PR, Best Book Promotion
Want to launch your new book? Get book promotion and book marketing with America’s favorite PR firm. Annie’s firm specializes in getting your message out into the world. Call Annie today for book promotion, marketing and author PR. Radio talk shows cover the USA. Annie Jennings PR offers free unlimited media training with a performance guarantee.