Annie Jennings PR Has Been A Featured Expert In The Following National Media Outlets:

Annie Jennings Is A Leading Public Relations Expert Presenting For The Following Prestigious Organizations:

Annie Jennings PR Books Clients On The Following:

Col. Cedric Leighton came to Annie Jennings PR after he retired from 26 years of service in the United States Air Force. He is now an internationally respected expert on leadership, cyber security, foreign policy and military matters. Cedric tells how he leveraged Annie’s abilities to reach his objective. Cedric says, “in the consultancy world, it’s very important to have your reputation enhanced by your media presence. Annie has a great team of PR professionals who can get the job done”.

As a result of working with Annie Jennings PR, Race & Labor Relations Expert, Jason Greer, has become the “Go To” Diversity Expert for WTOP Radio in Washington DC and a trusted source in the latest race and labor relations news for media across the country, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes and FOX News Radio. "Annie made this happen for me. There is no going back after working with Annie.”

Andrea first heard of Annie Jennings PR at a publicity event where everyone was talking about Annie.The next day she had Annie on the phone. Annie got her three major media thought leader placements within a month for a fraction of the price that other firms charge who don’t guarantee anything. “Working with Annie is just this beautiful relationship. I use my big media placements to get my fees. When I tell my clients my daily rate they expect it. No questions asked. I am suddenly perceived as a star.“

Author and Licensed Mental Health Therapist, Vladimire Calixte, shares her story below and says this, “Annie came highly recommended as one of the top publicists in the county. My publisher, that I am working with, told me that she had other authors that had great success working with Annie. If you want your book out there and you want to motivate the masses you have to go with Annie Jennings!“

Andrew Wittman, a marine veteran, former police officer and federal agent says of Annie, “I’ve wanted to work with her for a number of years, because of her character, not just her reputation. Annie operates her firm based on who she is – Annie is a powerhouse of honor, integrity and always under-promises and over-delivers. It’s about character with her. Her whole firm is like that. They are like a family that always has your back. When I say she over-delivers, she does. She knows she is going to produce. And her firm did. I was with another PR firm once and they took my money and I never heard from them again.“

Dr. Will Aguila (aka Dr. A), author of Why I Don’t Lose Weight, shares his experience with finding Annie, hiring her publicity firm and enjoying the PR successes that followed very quickly (from getting booked on high impact radio talk shows, being the quoted expert in major print magazines and online media to appearing on many morning TV shows). He says Annie has a tremendous history of success and once he spoke with her he knew she had mastered the publicity process. Annie fights for you. Dr. Aguila says, “let me tell you, with Annie, be careful what you wish for – she will get you there!”
Book Promotion & Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR
GET PUBLICITY – GET BOOKED ON THE MEDIA: Annie Jennings PR is a Book Marketing & Book Publicity firm that offers media bookings on radio talk interview shows, select National TV shows, online and in print for authors, experts and speakers. Firm is famous for its guaranteed deliverable radio campaigns where clients are only booked on high impact, high listenership radio talk shows in the best markets in the country. Annie Jennings PR also creates websites complete with everything the media would like to see on the site along with a “quick buy” conversion strategy to optimize book sales. Sites can include broadcast quality HD book trailers, videos and author commercials. Annie Jennings PR works with authors, experts and speakers as well as CEO’s and C-Suite executives who want to stay visible to their customers, clients and shareholders by being seen and heard in the media commenting on socially relevant issues of the day. Annie Jennings PR books experts, analysts, CEO’s, executives and authors on the major media every day.
Annie Jennings PR is able to create your optimal levels of success using media outreach and helps you develop your messages and media commentary. Annie Jennings PR understands how to create media ready guests in the exact way necessary to qualify them for major media exposure. Annie Jennings PR is well known for advising clients on exactly how to use their marketing, publicity and book promotion strategies for optimal impact, given their personal and professional goals. Listen to real stories of real client publicity and book promotion success at publicity success stories.
Prestigious & Influential Bookings On Major Media Outlets
FOXNEWS TV, CNN, CNBC, BLOOMBERG TV, TODAY SHOW, ANY CITY TV, WSJ, NY Times, Fast Company, Forbes and More: Annie Jennings PR specializes in booking clients on select national media including major networks and leading news TV shows, major radio talk interview shows in the highest ranked radio markets in the country. Book Publicity Expert, Annie Jennings PR also provides authors and experts with opportunities for commentary in the major national magazines, top newspapers and on influential online media sites.
Expert Message Creation, Thought Leader Development & Strategic Media Placement
Annie Jennings PR brings clients to their highest level of positioning as a national and influential expert in their area of expertise. Annie Jennings PR quickly identifies how clients can apply their experience, credentials, knowledge and commentary to the socially relevant issues in our society today. Experienced PR team understands how to create optimal demand for client’s commentary leading to the most sought after media placements in the industry.
The #1 Most Powerful Radio Talk Show Interview Campaign Your Money Buy – It’s Guaranteed Too!
YOU GET UNLIMITED MEDIA TRAINING! Annie Jennings PR books radio interviews on the highest ranking cities and radio shows in the country. Our bookings focus on the Top 35 or Top 45 markets along with the Regionally and Nationally Syndicated Shows only, providing you with opportunity for widespread exposure, mega expansion of your message and optimal promotion of your interests. All radio campaigns include the support of our state of the art, on-site 24/7 news division as well as unlimited media training provided by an awarding-winning radio producer. A radio campaign is perfect for messaging strategy such as promoting new movies, celebrity causes and socially relevant messages for authors, experts, CEO’s and corporate C-Suite. The Annie Jennings PR radio campaign is a guaranteed deliverable too. That’s means every contract is backed with Annie’s word that she will deliver on her promises. Annie’s clients love that their money is invested in their success!
Experienced Media Savvy Publicity Professionals
The Annie Jennings PR team invests their extensive knowledge and expertise to helping clients realize their optimal potential. The second you walk through the Annie Jennings PR door,
our team of media professionals make it their mission to bring you to your highest level of success via the media. We know why you are good and deserve to get booked. Our job is simply to get you there.
High Powered Publicity Strategy
Annie Jennings PR offers comprehensive publicity strategy that is specifically created to secure high-powered media attention. Thousands of authors, experts, speakers, companies and thought leaders have created powerful national expert status and favorable positioning within their industry by accessing select media that supports their goals and objectives. Our clients have access to expert media strategists and publicists within our organization who have strong, in-depth experience booking the most sought after top level media. Full firm support is offered to clients at every level of their development to prepare, package and expand their messages, expert positioning and commentary to achieve the highest return on their media investment.
“Annie Jennings PR does a wonderful job of grasping the essence of the story and finding exactly the right people.“
Peggy Noonan, USA WEEKEND Magazine
“Just FYI Annie Jennings – You are one of the few really great publicists. You get it…and that’s important.”
Rich Walburg, Executive Producer 700 WLW Cincinnati, Ohio
“As usual you have come up with another great guest…. I have used more of your guests than any others. You’re agency is excellent! It’s obvious you enjoy your job and are very good at it! Kudos!
Pat St. Claire, CNN Radio Network, Syndicated to 2000 Stations
Tweets from @AnnieJenningsPR
Annie Jennings has appeared as the publicity expert in major media including Entrepreneur Magazine, FAST COMPANY,, Inc., Yahoo! and more. Annie has provided the publicity industry with a vast amount of PR knowledge and advice via offering over 500 teleseminars, webinars and podcasts.
Annie Jennings PR provides authors with a Top Market Radio Campaign that includes a performance guarantee, bookings on major radio shows in major markets along with unlimited media training to learn the skill set that allows the author to be prepared, savvy and confident on the air. Annie Jennings PR also offers their famous pay for performance publicity program for TV (with free Skype media training), major print and prestigious online media that allows the author to select a publicity strategy that is just right for them and moves their business model forward.