TV Publicity, Get Booked On TV Shows, NYC National TV Media Bookings
Why is getting booked on TV essential to any brand building strategy? The first reason is that these TV show themselves are considered to be high level, respected brand themselves having spent many years and perhaps millions of dollars established their brand. And now by being a guest on the show, you get to absorb some of their brand as everyone “knows” and “trusts”. You would not be on the show if you were not considered an expert in your field. Your credibility instantly rises. And this money can’t buy. Your brand gets stronger by association with bigger and stronger brands. With this said, getting TV publicity is key to creating expert status, greater influecence and clout for yourself. Getting booked on TV shows, either national or local, helps you create national expert status, thought leader status and this in turn, gives you a significant competitive edge.
Why Is Annie Jennings PR A Top TV Booking Firm?
They are certainly one of the best having booked hundreds of clients across the board on TV shows that include the regional and nationally syndicated shows as well as the local TV shows your any city but also in the major media cities. The cities that Annie Jennings PR firm books include NYC, Boston, Washington DC, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Phoenix, Denver, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and lots more.
It’s not easy to get booked on any TV show especially the national shows. There is a specific criteria and methodology in play and publicists know this. Annie says that one of the top reasons to hire her firms is that her professional staff of publicists “know the shows” and their profiles. They know what they like and what they do not like. They know what type of expert or guest they book and the type that does not work for them.
But probably best of all, they understand how to fit you into the show profile if its possible do you get your chances of getting booked. You will find that professionals agree that experience matters. Newbies (those who are just getting started as publicists) have to learn (and no client wants to pay for these newbies to learn either in money or in lost opportunity), but professionals have already learned the ropes and perfected the rules of booking. They know not to break them – ever. And the media respects this style PR firm – one that books correctly and does not waste their valuable time.

Get TV Publicity With Top NYC Area PR Firm
Annie Jennings PR books guests that include authors experts and speakers to appear on the major breaking news shows as analysts. This PR Firm books with local, regional and national TV shows that include FOX, CNBC, CNN, Bloomberg, TODAY Show and more. If you are an expert looking for impressive exposure on the major shows, you have come to the right place. However, Annie carefully looks over her experts especially those whose PR plan includes rising to the top of the media and carefully plans their ascent. You need this plan.
Get Booked On TV As The Expert
Authors and experts often want to know how create expert status so they can become known as an authority in their industry. To build expert status and a reputation as an authority in your field it is advisable to get booked in the media as a guest to showcase your expertise. This positioning creates a competitive edge for you that is tough for your competitors to match. But these days, this is easier said than done. Another reason why working with a top PR firm with a rich history of booking the media you feel would advance your business model. A lot of experts come to our firm and ask for PR that “moves the needle”. Well, we can do that as our experience is right up at the top of the industry. However, expect to be presented with an tried and true classic PR plan that has worked for our clients. You can note our real stories link on the navigation bar on our home page and listen of to proof of concept. Real clients come back to our firm to report in on how they did to help you make the right choice for yourself. All of our clients seems to say something that is a version of this “run, don’t walk to Annie Jennings PR” and “be careful what you wish for as Annie will get you there”.
First Step, Identify Your Area Of Expertise
Authors and experts should jumpstart their TV publicity strategy by making a list of everything they can talk about that is considered socially relevant in their area of expertise. Be sure to expand your topic list to include all of the sub-categories that you can address as well. For example, if you are a career expert expand your abilities to comment by looking at the subtopics that affect careers such as “how to get a job when everyone else is losing theirs” or “how to stand out in a pile of resumes”. Create expansion points or talking points for each of these sub-categories as this will help you fit into more segments. Know your “voice” and it fits into the issues being discuss currently.
For TV Publicity Create A Professional BIO
An important next step in getting TV publicity is to create an expert BIO that showcases your education, credentials and media history. Include your accomplishments and your media placements such as appearing on radio talk shows or on TV shows. Include the most prestigious names in your bio. Remember to include any special awards or recognition you received along with the organization that recognized you.
To Get Booked On TV Keep Your Eye On The News
Want to get more TV publicity? Be sure to follow the news stories making headlines in your industry. The news media plans segments that speak to the issues currently of importance to society at the time. Notice the experts that are getting booked as the expert commentators and follow their segments as well as the story. This way, you will be “savvy” and up to date when you get booked on the show.
Recommended: Get Media Training Before You Are Booked
One thing the national TV media loves is a talented, charismatic and intelligent guest on their show. To be that style guest, get the media training you need to hone your on camera skill set in advance of pitching the media. Usually, the media moves fast leaving little time for you to get ready for the show. Keep your media training on-going so when you are booked, you are in a position to be a great guest and get invited back on the show.

TV Publicity, Get Booked On TV Shows, NYC National TV Media
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