annie@anniejenningspr.com   +1 908-281-6201
by annie

Author publicity for book promotion by #AnneJenningsPR

Author Publicity, Book Promotion, Book Marketing

Make a good PR Firm match for optimal author publicity: One of the most important marketing strategies begins with choosing the right PR firm. This means two things. One is that you know what you want to accomplish with your media outreach. And next is that you actively search for a PR firm that specializes in delivering the PR outcome you wish for yourself. Publicity firms know what they are good at delivering for clients. Based on their experience, they can tell you what type of client is best for them. If you fit that criteria, excellent. If not, it makes sense to continue your search.

Author publicity firm is the top PR Firm for author PR

Many PR firms have an expertise they have developed over the years. Author publicity, marketing and branding can be accomplished via appearing on radio talk shows, getting book reviews, appearing on podcasts, being the quoted expert on a major online media outlet and being a guest on a TV talk show in various cities.

Of course, authors can promote all of their media placements on their social media accounts. The idea is to reach as many people as possible using all of the resources available to promote your books, website and business.

It’s important to ask about the skill set of the publicity firm: At #AnnieJenningsPR, we specialize in booking authors, experts, and speakers on major media. Our firm has plenty of experience working with top tier media outlets. These media outlets can include appearances on TV shows, radio talk shows, podcasts and contributing as the expert commentator in online major media outlets and print media.

One nice benefit of promoting your book is that you can build up your brand: Annie Jennings PR works with authors who are also speakers who wish to increase their profile and ability to out-perform thier competitors. These authors and speakers should get major radio, TV and online exposure to be thought of as an expert in their field. Their media accomplishments act as proof of concept. To reach this goal they should get top-tier media and/or national media exposure.

Our firm has a rich history of booking the types of media that help authors, speakers, and experts succeed in reaching their goals.

Author publicity includes lots of bookings on radio talk shows, TV shows, and online media websites.

Our publicity strategy is tried and true and works for authors, speakers and professionals:  Marketing, branding, and promotion strategies that work very well for authors are ones where you can reach your target market to showcase your expertise. You’ll want to be on as many top radio talk shows in major cities nationwide as well as the nationally syndicated radio show. Radio has syndicated shows that are heard on numerous stations. Syndicated shows bring their own community of loyal listeners.

Note for fiction authors:  Fiction authors should tie in the topic of their book with socially relevant issues trending in society today.

Author PR is dependant on the author having a strong media bio with the credentials to prove they are knowledgeable in their subject matter making them qualified to appear in the media as experts.

Big secret to author publicity success is consistency over time.

The success strategy used by many of our authors and experts is to be seen and heard in the media as much as possible.

At our PR firm, we recommend authors use the various marketing methods available to them to enjoy the maximum benefits of media exposure and publicity. Be everywhere at all times is a concept invented by #AnnieJenningsPR as we developed a classic marketing strategy that is tailored for the individual author, their credentials, goals and objectives.

Author publicity leads to expert status. 

Once a client is considered by the media to be an expert becoming a brand follows. Becoming a brand helps the author sell book as they have the authority transfer that appearing in the media offers them.  Brands have an advantage when selling books or services as it creates certainty for the listeners or readers that the author is one of the top experts in their field.

Author publicity attracts book sales and more opportunities.

To optimize your author publicity, know how your expertise ties into the news and issues facing our society. Be an author who knows why they matter in today’s world. A good tip is to follow the stories and themes making headlines in the media. Next learn the skill set of how to apply your knowledge and credentials to the socially relevant issues so you can comment with authority. Of course, you can develop your commentary on social theme by creating a blog post on your website and sharing your views on social media.

As mentioned, an appearance in the major media is very good for books exposure and sales. It is also has many benefits for you and your brand such as building up your credibility, strenghtening your brand and adding valuable media to your BIO. Many of our clients are very interested in becoming contributors to top national media sites. They increase their visibility substantially to their target market by already appearing as the expert in respected media brands.

The more prestigious the media, the more powerful our clients become in their ability to compete and win new opportunities. They can become a sought-after speaker or consultant. Our clients report that working with our PR firm is valuable. We get them the percise media placements that help them build more powerful and successful careers. Media can help you achieve your business growth and development goals for many reasons including you stand out from your competitors.

Create an author blog that showcases your area of expertise and the topic of your book.

A very good content development strategy for honing your skills for optimizing your author PR is to create a blog. A blog helps you form an opinion about the trends, news, and trending topics that match your topics. A blog helps you showcase your knowledge and area of expertise. A blog helps the media learn more about the author and their point of view.

Best book publicist says to create JUICE , HEAT, and BUZZ around your name. ARRIVE! Get the author publicist and best publicist for your book, AnnieJenningsPR, to bring you the JUICE!

Here are some good blog tips for you. Be sure to keep your content original. Your comments should be based on your commentary as it relates to the trending news of the day. When the media calls you for your point of view, you will already have developed your professional opinion by creating a blog on the topic. Of course, appearing in the media increases your credibility, influence, and clout and can lead to more book sales.

#AnnieJenningsPR is an author publicist with a top publicity firm that is considered one of the most successful publicity firms for author PR.

Our publicity strategy as a top publicist for books helps the author make the most of their accomplishments, book topic, and credentials. Our firm specializes in providing the best publicity and book marketing for authors. It is important to build up a high-powered, influential and current media history. Your media history should be impressive with big brand media placements. The big brand media transfers to you providing you with the JUICE to help you become a big brand yourself.

Annie Jennings PR Firm offers guaranteed deliverable publicity, marketing, and branding packages as well as our famous PURE PERFORMANCE publicity programs. You only pay for secured media. Each campaign includes a performance guarantee. Annie’s clients LOVE this aspect of her campaigns.

Authors and experts appreciate working with Annie Jennings PR. They appreciate our firm’s knowledge, skill, and experience in securing media placements on the major big brand media.

Get author publicity with the best publicist for authors on radio talk shows in big cities located in major markets and on nationally syndicated shows.

Author publicity advice that works! Get booked as a guest on radio talk shows, sign up for a podcast campaign, be the commenting expert in big brand online media, and appear on big city TV shows in top cities across the country. Be seen in many cities. Some cities we book include Boston, Philadelphia, Washington DC , Houston and Denver. We also place clients on TV shows in Phoenix, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego TV, and more.

The idea is to use as many author publicity promotional outreach strategies to reach anyone who can benefit from your message and book topic.

Annie’s author PR team is an excellent choice as your book publicist as she has created long-term, trusted relationships with major media. Our author PR firm knows why you are a good choice for our target media outlets for you. Our experienced PR firm also understands the publicity strategy to match the right author topic to the media outlet with a profile that matches the author’s expertise. This publicity strategy helps our clients achieve their goals, and objectives. Exposure is the way to get as many book sales as possible as readers need to know about you. Being in the media helps you accomplish reaching out to your book buyers.

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Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR

Author Publicity Articles

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Book Promotion, Book Marketing & Book PR

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Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR