Print Campaign, Print Media For Authors, Get Booked In Print Magazines And Newspapers
Why A Print Campaign? Is It Good For Building Influence?
Print Media Is Not Over
Even with online media virtually taking over, the demand for experts to comment in print media outlets is alive and well. It’s just less. There are still plenty of readers who choose to get their magazines and newspapers delivered to their door. Plus, the print media still left standing tends to be the bigger, influential brands and appearing in print can still reach a vast amount of readers.
Possible Double Exposure – Can Also Include Online Version
Yes, that’s correct, many of the stories you read in USA TODAY, Wall Street Journal, NEWSWEEK and just about any of the traditional print media etc. will also appear in their online addition and this means added exposure and outreach for you as you will appear in both editions.
Tangible Factor – Creates Impression & Influence In Reader
Reaching out in all forms, being everywhere at all times, allows you to touch your market in the way that allows them to understand and respond. Some people like to “hear” your message, others like to “see” you on TV and other like to “read” your commentary in the newspaper or magazine they are holding in your hand. If you are the commenting or contributing expert in the story that the reader is very interested in or on the TV or radio talk show that has captured their attention, you increase the chances that your audience will buy your book if you have one or perhaps contact you for speaking or consulting.

J.P. Hansen tells how he achieved mega success in his career using publicity with Annie Jennings PR’s famous Ladder Strategy. J.P. is a career expert who has appeared on Fox News, CBS, ABC and NBC TV, radio shows across the country and in the L.A. Times, Fortune, AOL, CareerBuilder,, and “I could not have done it without Annie. The success was dizzying.”
Real Publicity Story: How Annie Jennings PR Impressed Business CEO, Jim Alampi
One day, Jim Alampi hired national publicity firm, Annie Jennings PR, a PR firm specializing in building businesses. Soon thereafter, Jim had achieved the PR success that his business growth model needed to excel. Listen while he tells his insider success story. After speaking to Annie the only question Jim had was “how fast can we get started?”
Real Publicity Story: Col. Cedric Leighton Says It’s All About Leveraging Annie’s Talents
Col. Cedric Leighton came to Annie Jennings PR after he retired from 26 years of service in the United States Air Force. He is now an internationally respected expert on leadership, cyber security, foreign policy and military matters. Cedric tells how he leveraged Annie’s abilities to reach his objective. Cedric says, “in the consultancy world, it’s very important to have your reputation enhanced by your media presence. Annie has a great team of PR professionals who can get the job done”.

Other Media – TV Shows and Radio Talk Shows– Can Pick Up Story
If an Associate Press story breaks that is relevant to the issues being discussed in our country, TV and radio, who also want to be relevant and follow the news cycle tend to cover the issue as well and many times prefer to book the expert quoted in the article as the guest expert on their show.
Makes A Great Visual For Your Site
Many of our authors, experts and speakers create a beautiful media asset on their websites to showcase their placement as the expert in the magazine etc. This looks great and when added to your other media presents you as a well-rounded media savvy professional.
The More Media The Better
Even the smaller newspapers and magazines bring value to your overall marketing, branding and publicity campaign. Many readers pick up a copy of their hometown newspaper or the newspaper popular in their region. They keep up on their local, regional and state news so it is likely they will come across your presence in the newspaper. Usually the journalist will include establishing information for the contributing expert such as credentials, name, type of expert and the name of your company or the name of your book. One thing to keep in mind is that all this exposure adds up to power, influence and clout leading to new clients and new opportunities.
Print Media Is Essential To A Well-Rounded Publicity Campaign
What makes a good PR strategy and marketing campaign? It’s a lot of presence in the traditional media sources such as newspapers, magazines, appearances on TV shows and radio talk interview shows. Many clients say that their PR with our publicity firm has let to many more opportunities not only in the media but also to being hired as a consultant, speaker or workshop leader.
As Annie Says, Be Everywhere At All Times
Now, that’s quite a goal and sometimes it seems that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all of your outreach to your community, to new target clients and to the media. No worries. Just do the best you can as it is much better than most of your competitors. The more you do, the further ahead you get. At this point, it might be worthwhile to hire a part-time marketing support person to keep your social media current and up to date (it’s not good to have old posts or outdated material being the last thing you contributed). Be sure to create a social media strategy and set of guidelines for your marketing team to follow. For example, your sharing or posting cannot and should not be all about how great you are. You can share about your publicity placements with links or videos and this shows your audience how great you are. All of your media can be repurposed for social media posts. One TV appearance can be turned into numerous content rich posts and the same can be said for newspaper, magazine and radio talk show appearances.