Radio Campaign
Annie Jennings PR books radio talk show interviews on radio shows in the top, most influential markets and on nationally syndicated shows and networks. You are able to access high impact, high listenership radio talk shows that allow you to share your message, create national expert status, build up an impressive and powerful media bio and enjoy outstanding success!
You are hand-pitched to the perfect radio talk shows for you and your topic. Annie Jennings PR offers a range of radio talk show campaigns that include bookings on stations in the TOP 35 or TOP 45 Major Markets and/or on the Nationally or Regionally Syndicated Shows or Networks that allow you to blanket the nation. Our firm just books the major high-impact, high-listenership shows so you can reach the heart of the population in the top-ranked cities in the country. Many authors says that the famous Annie Jennings PR radio campaign provides tremendous value and is the best campaign their money can buy. “I agree,” says Annie. “That’s exactly how we planned our radio offering – to be the best, most powerful campaign a client’s money can buy!”

Most Powerful Radio Campaign Offers Bookings On Big Shows In Major Markets & Syndicated Radio Networks
Annie respects all media. However, she set out to create the most powerful and influential radio talk show campaign that her clients could buy. To accomplish this goal, Annie designed your radio campaign to including only bookings on the high-impact, high-listenership radio talk shows. It is important to note that the famous Annie Jennings PR campaign does NOT include radio bookings on the following types of show. There are no:
- No college radio shows
- No internet radio shows
- No overnight radio shows
- No low listenership radio shows
- No shows in the middle of nowhere
No shows on the outskirts of a major market
You only get booked on the major radio shows that broadcast to the heart of the marketplace. Annie Jennings PR only books radio shows in the Top 35 or Top 45 cities that are considered major player shows in the market – the 5,000 – 50,000 watt shows. These shows have strong listenership and are high ranking shows in their market. Annie Jennings PR also books interviews on the regional and nationally syndicated radio shows and network that are extremely powerful to you in terms of outreach and major brand name associations. The nationally syndicated shows add a burst of power to your radio campaign as many of our clients can be heard on hundreds of radio stations with just a handful of interviews. They LOVE it!

REAL PUBLICITY CLIENTS: “Annie gave us tremendous energy. Her incredible personality gave us hope and helped us drive our mission forward.” Annie’s radio clients report that they experienced outcomes important to them such as becoming a lot more confident, broadening their audience, creating a stronger brand, driving thier business model forward, being associated with major name brand media to build an influential bio, creating a competitive advantage and much more including being able to:
- Build outstanding confidence in their presentation skills. Remember Annie offers unlimited media training with an award-winning professional former radio news producer and booker to help you learn the skill set you need to excel.
- Get “hands on” mentoring throughout their campaign from PR pros
- Enhance their credibility and standing in their area of expertise
- Create a strong brand, increase prestigue, influence and credibility
- Attract new opportunities such as speaking, consulting, keynotes
- Experience the pleasure of knowing they increased awareness and influenced lives
- Promote their books, products and websites while on the radio show
- Reach deep across the country from coast to coast from the comfort of their home or office. The radio shows are phoners making it easy to travel across the country in just a few hours on the air. Good? Absolutely!
- Get up close and personal with their listeners in a LIVE and “on the air” interview on major shows in big cities
Annie Jennings PR firm also books radio talk show interviews on the Regionally & Nationally Syndicated radio shows and networks that reach numerous markets with just one interview. Nationally syndicated shows offer tremendous exposure and ability to blanket the country with your message. These regional and national shows are extremely powerful for your platform, national expert status and creating a powerful brand.
Radio Campaign Includes A Performance Guarantee
GUARANTEED RADIO PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN: All of the Annie Jennings PR radio talk show campaigns have a guaranteed deliverable. That means that Annie Jennings PR guarantees the radio shows will be booked according to the contract provisions. You are booked on the major radio talk shows in the major cities that broadcast to the heart of the market – guaranteed.

The Famous Annie Jennings PR Radio Campaign Also Includes:
- Professional UNLIMITED media training with award-winning former news producer and booker with a major national network for the duration of your radio campaign who helps you learn how to be a great guest
- Media trainer conducts a practice interview with you just like you can expect on your real interviews. Clients LOVE this as it help them feel savvy, confident and prepared!
- Message creation and content strategy development to help you build out how to best work with the media and what topics would work best for you and your message
- Advanced headliner guest status booking strategy that gets you booked on the major and most sought-after radio talk shows in the major cities
- Access to the Annie Jennings PR 24/7 news division to keep you informed of the socially relevant topics
- Creation of in-demand segment ideas and cutting edge news hooks using our in-depth knowledge of the media to get the attention of the major media in a way that gets you booked
- Professional, highly skilled and experienced media savvy radio bookers with tremendous experience and access to the producers and hosts of the biggest and most popular radio shows
Get Booked On A Radio Campaign & Blanket The National Fast
The radio shows are phoners – the stations call you for the interview. You reach out across America with a simple phone call yet reaching thousands upon thousands of listeners. Does it get any better or easier for you? With Annie, you always get the best. Sign up for the #1 radio talk show campaign in the industry only offered by Annie Jennings PR.
Powerful Radio Campaign For Authors, Experts & Speakers
The famous Annie Jennings PR radio campaign is the most powerful radio talk show campaign your money can buy. Annie has rich long term relationships with the radio media and consistently books guests on the most sought after shows in the country. Her campaigns include a performance guarantee, unlimited media training and bookings on the big shows in big cities that broadcast to the heart of the market. You can also get booked on the regional and nationally syndicated shows as well for widespread exposure and blanketing the nation with your message.
Each Show Has A Profile – Your Radio Campaign Is Designed To Fit For The Show
Keep in mind that each show has a profile of the type of guest they like to have on as it matches in interests of the audience. Here is a sampling of some of the radio shows available:
5,000 – 50,000 Watt radio talk show stations in top cities in the US. Cities are ranked by population so the bigger the show’s wattage (that is the reach of the signal), the more listeners have access to your message.
These radio shows include booking in major markets such as NYC, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, San Diego, Dallas – Fort Worth, Washington DC, Atlanta, Houston, Detroit, Tampa, Phoenix, Seattle, Minneapolis, Miami, Cleveland, Denver, Orlando, Sacramento, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, Portland, Baltimore, Indianapolis, Charlotte, Hartford, Nashville, Columbus, Milwaukee, Las Vegas, Memphis, Cincinnati and lots more.

Radio Campaign Books High Impact, High Listenership Shows
With Annie’s campaign you get booked on the radio talk shows in the highest impact, high listenership markets that reach tens of thousands and more of listeners just waiting to hear your every word. Radio is like walking into a packed ballroom filled with people who have signed up to hear you speak except in this case they are the listeners of the radio shows. Each show has a listenership they have cultivated over the years. With just one booking on the show you can access their thousands upon thousands of listeners instantly. Imagine the power and reach you will have on the regional and national shows where in one interview you reach dozen to hundreds of stations? Wow! Perfect for book publicity, right. Yes!
Appearing on the radio is easy to do, as the shows are done via the telephone. Reaching thousands of real live listeners with each radio show booking is within your reach!
Radio Campaign Is Led By Talented PR Professionals With Decades Of Experience & Media Contacts
Our talented and professional media training division makes you are prepared for your radio shows and understand how be a great guest. Annie’s offer each radio client unlimited media training provided by an award-winning former news producer and booker who knows what the shows expect in a great guest. The nice thing about the unlimited aspect is that it takes time to learn a new skill set so throughout the entire course of your campaign you have access to our on staff, professional radio show media trainer. You will love him. He has been with our company for over ten years and brings 25 years of experience and uses this experience to help you become the professional you desire to be. Nice! This is just one of the significant and life-changing aspects of working with Annie. She knows the markets. She knows the players. She gets you ready. And she gets you booked.
Get The #1 Radio Campaign
You are here for the #1 radio campaign in the industry offered at an amazing price. Many authors say magic happens at Annie Jennings PR and it might look that way. But Annie’s team is the magic. Having worked with Annie for ten to fifteen to twenty years they have built up enormous respects and visibility in the media work. Plus the Annie Jennings PR brand is among the best and highly regarded as a top firm in the radio booking genre. Yes, there are tricks to the trade. Annie knows them and in many cases created them. Her campaigns are guaranteed deliverable. You get what you pay for and it’s in the Contact. There is no “try” at this firm, there is only going after the booking with intent.
Only The Biggest & The Best Radio Shows For Your Radio Campaign
Although Annie respects all media you are here at our PR firm for the big radio show bookings. With that in mind, your radio campaign with Annie does not include bookings on any internet shows, no college shows, no shows in the middle of nowhere or in the middle of the night, no shows on the outskirts of any major market that can say their DMA (designated market area) is the big city but in reality they reach a much smaller percentage of the listenership than the shows that broadcast to the heart of the city and no low impact, low listenership shows. You only get booked on the big shows in the big markets and/or on regional and nationally syndicated shows. Good right? Our authors think so. The love the outreach. They love knowing they are reaching the most people possible given their topic, the media demand for their topic and their credentials and expertise. Our clients tell us about all the amazing things that happen to them from calls from new clients and new opportunities. You can hear their real stories on our website home page. Just click on the link to PR Client Success Stories and you will be on your way. These authors are just like you. They came to Annie with goals, objectives and dreams. They did not have media assets. Annie Jennings PR created a personalized strategy upon learning their goals and you can listen for yourself to hear how it all worked out, in our clients own voice.
Our PR Firm Lives Our Dream Through The Successful Radio Campaigns Of Our Clients
We are proud of the work with do here at Annie Jennings PR. We are proud to have created the most powerful radio campaign that services the author as well as the audience. Our goal is for you to reach your goal.
Did you know our business philosophy is that we exist “for the betterment of all”? And you reaching the people with your life changing messages and important information that helps them in their lives is our firm, living our dream.
Get booked only on top high powered radio shows, high impact radio shows and high listenership radio shows in major markets.

How Do I Market My Book Using A Radio Campaign?
IT’S EASY YET FAR REACHING – Author Radio Campaigns & Book Marketing Radio Campaigns Offers Major Exposure: Experience extensive outreach and exposure of your message, just from having a one on one conversation with the radio show host,however you have thousands of listeners. Annie Jennings books the high impact, high listenership shows in major cities in the USA. With media training, you will learn the fine art and etiquette of how to mention your book in the interview. You’ll learn how to have a meaningful and socially relevant conversation that impresses the audience and leaves them with a good feeling about you. Of course, you can mention you book. It would be a crime not to.
You Know Your Radio Campaign Will Be A Success In Many Ways
After all, your audience has grown to love you and if they want more of you in their lives then what better way than to work with you and buy your books? Publishers love this campaign and order it for their entire list to take place throughout the year as the titles are published. The publishers know their authors are in good hands with our firm. They like the results. Authors also like the media logos and brand name media appearances they can add to their bio that add depth and power to their history of media appearances. The media loves established, experienced and talented guests. Annie knows that and has created a strategy that works for the author to secure the media assets they need to excel. And she guarantees her radio campaign. All of the promises are in the Contract. There is no fine print. Authors, experts and speakers love that Annie guarantees value for your money. It’s called guaranteed deliverables. You are not simply hoping the publicity firm you hire will succeed, by working with Annie you know they will succeed. While others may “try”, Annie’s team gets the bookings for you. No excuses. Just bookings.
Get Booked On Radio Talk Shows With Famous Hosts
INFLUENTIAL FAMOUS RADIO SHOW HOSTS & Nationally Syndicated Radio Shows For Your Radio Campaign: With the famous Annie Jennings PR radio campaign you can access major shows and the national shows with name brand hosts with tremendous followings and listeners that propel your expert status (as you are known by the company your keep) that reach a widespread audience across America. These syndicated shows reach from dozens to hundreds of stations offering you huge exposure as they can reach across the USA. Radio is such a great way to get your message out. It’s cost effective, easy to do and can give you so many advantages. You have to be in it to win it, that’s for sure. And getting a radio campaign with Annie keeps you in it!
Professional Radio Campaign Bookers
THE MOST SKILLED RADIO BOOKING TEAM IN AMERICA FOR YOUR RADIO CAMPAIGN: Annie’s team of PR professionals are simply the absolute best group of publicity experts in the business. You may have heard that our team does not even think about the word (try – shhhhhhh), but only goes forward with intent on landing the booking for you. This amazing team of pros looks forward to getting you the the biggest, more prestigious radio shows and in creating your tie-in to the conversations in the news. All of your segment strategy and media materials are created by our highly skilled, media savvy PR team that is famous for booking the #1 most powerful radio campaign in the entire PR industry. Without a doubt, you get booked on major player shows that add lots of power to your media bio, credibility and influence. Radio with Annie Jennings PR is a very good use of your marketing dollars as the campaign is also guaranteed to be deliverable according to the contract provisions. They is no “try”, there is only a professional team going after bookings with intent. Very nice for you, right?
Everyone at our firm works not only with the major Annie Jennings PR name brand advantage but with their own advantage as well as everyone you work with here has from 10 – 15 – 20 years of experience and built productive lives and has supported their family by helping you achieve your dreams.
Annie says the big secret is to let everyone be successful and be rewarded for their success. And our client benefit from Annie’s continuous vision and insight into how to create new ideas that move the PR industry forward and serve the clients needs in a way that has not been done before.

Unlimited Media Training Comes With Your Radio Campaign
HANDS ON MEDIA TRAINING FOR YOUR RADIO CAMPAIGN: You get booked on major radio talk shows and get unlimited media training so you can be an excellent guest for the show, for your listeners and for yourself. Experience expert media training with our award winning major news producer who provides you with the special set of radio media skills you need to be a great and influential guest. This benefit of unlimited media training is included in all of our radio campaigns. You will enjoy having a new best friend whose job it is to help you be your best for your entire campaign. Yes, we get the job done for you and do it in such a way that you grow to really appreciate the expertise of the people helping you achieve the success of your dreams.
Radio Campaign Publicity News Division
STATE OF THE ART NEWS DIVISION FOR YOUR RADIO CAMPAIGN: Annie has a news division at her fingertips. The focus of our 24/7 news division is to create socially relevant tie-ins to the issues of interest and under discussion. Our state of the art news division identifies the stories in the news where you can offer the perfect commentary and helps you create your exact message. This division is headed by an industry professional who is an award-winning former news producer and book giving you a tremendous advantage. He knows who is book what topics. Nobody does radio better than Annie Jennings PR.
Radio Campaign Is A Guaranteed Deliverable – You Get What You Pay For
THE ANNIE JENNINGS PR RADIO PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN IS GUARANTEED: That’s right. We deliver on our promise or you don’t have to pay for any undelivered radio interview. The radio contract outlines the deliverables. Annie is obligated to deliver on the contract and of course, always does. However, as a safety net for you, Annie will guarantee her promises with her word and a performance guarantee. Remember, you are getting the most powerful radio campaign in the industry. Since we only go after bookings on the high impact and high listenership shows, we do not include bookings on college stations, internet shows, weekend shows, overnight shows (unless they are the handful of big ones with major national exposure) or shows on the outskirts of a major market but not really an influencer in that particular market.
Annie believes all media is valuable and if you are offered other shows by other means of course take advantage of the offer. But when you sign up for our radio campaign you do so knowing you are here for the big ones. And that’s what you get.
All radio talk shows have benefits to you and Annie believes everyone should have access to your message. Plus the smaller shows can provide practice as well and they are quite good for entry level experience.

Get The #1 Radio Campaign
BUT REMEMBER, YOU ARE GETTING THE #1 RADIO CAMPAIGN IN THE INDUSTRY: Your Annie Jennings radio campaign includes only the major players shows in the big markets and on regional or nationally syndicated shows ONLY.
Why Get A Radio Campaign For Your Publicity Outreach?
On radio interviews you have more opportunity to showcase your knowledge, wisdom and experience on various issues because you have enough time for discussion. Radio interviews vary in length and these lengths are set according to the profile of the station however, interviews usually are about eight to ten to fifteen minutes long but can go up to thirty minutes or even one hour, again depending on the profile of the show. Keep in mind that general time allowed is plenty of time to answer about eight to ten questions and build a relationship with your listeners as well as showcase your message and demonstrate expertise. Remember, the radio campaign includes unlimited media training so you will be ready, confident and comfortable with interviews of any length and any size, no matter how big and influential. We make sure of it.
Reach Campaign For Fast Action – Radio Target Markets Quickly
Radio bookings offer immediate access to your audience. No waiting months for a print article. Radio moves fast and works great for casting a safety net right at the start of your book marketing. For those who like instant gratification, getting booked on radio shows is perfect for you. Radio is usually a live broadcast without a long lead time with regard to booking the show. Radio can jumpstart your media outreach in that you can get going FAST. Radio works well for authors, experts, publishers and anyone who has a message to share, wants to create buzz, introduce a new concept or share a qualified opinion and of course, build up a strong media bio for yourself or your firm. So if you want to move fast while other publicity is working for you in the background, hire a radio campaign PR firm that knows it’s way around the industry and that’s Annie Jennings PR. Plus with Annie, you get her famous guarantee of performance along with unlimited media training so you can learn all of the skills you need to be a great guest and promote your book or other interests in the interview.

Radio Campaign Publicity Creates a Relationship with Listeners
Up close and personal is the name of the game in radio, it’s you and the listener. Even though there may be ten of thousands of listeners or more, it still feels more like “one on one”. This helps you engage the listener and bond with them. Your audience can get to know who you are as a personality and as an expert or author. Engaging in a conversation that is meaningful, gives you the change to build trust and a relationship is born. Want the #1 radio campaign in the industry? Be sure to let us know as we can get you booked. When working with our firm, we provide you with unlimited media training with a top quality media professional with over 25 years in the radio industry. With everything you do in PR you want to be good at what you do. Training to be a savvy and competent guest is part of the strategy. The famous Annie Jennings PR campaign offers unlimited media training at no extra cost. Annie notes she has seen some firms charge thousands more for media training, however, your media training is included in the very reasonable prices at Annie Jennings PR.
Get #1 Radio Campaign With Major Interview On The Big City Shows
Be sure to seek out the biggest and most powerful bookings that work for your subject matter (of course, this is after you have been media trained for radio and maybe have done some smaller shows for practice). But once you hit the big time, major opportunities can come your way. The real publicity stories you can access on our home page of our website will tell what it’s like to work with Annie Jennings PR and what where the specific benefits to our client, the guest.
Radio Campaigns Are So Easy To Do – No Travel – Just A Telephone & A Message Is Needed
Radio interviews take place over the phone so there is no make up, hair or travel involved making radio a lot easier and affordable to do than traveling to a certain city or to a studio for a TV segment. Additionally, you get to try out your commentary to see how it works for you in the fast-paced, content rich style of radio without fear of making a mistake. Radio is flexible. You can go in more than one direction. Plus you learn the skill set of answering questions live and presenting your commentary in a short yet comprehensive way that helps prepare you for other media such as your local, regional and national TV. Radio bookings can create a solid foundation for your media bio that you can leverage into more opportunity as well. Annie has perfected a complete, time tested and proven strategy on how to build an influential media bio packed with credibility that yields opportunity.