annie@anniejenningspr.com   +1 908-281-6201
by annie

Publicity Campaigns With Top Publicist #AnnieJenningsPR

Authors, experts, speakers and consultants can use the services of a PR firm to help them achieve their overall goals and objectives. At our firm, Annie Jennings PR, we use an empowerment strategy that takes the clients from whatever level they are when they sign on with us to their highest potential given the client’s credentials, topic area, and other factors.

Annie Jennings PR Is A Leading Public Relations Firm Offering Media Publicity Campaigns For Authors, Speakers, Consultants & More That Include:

Author PR
Book Promotion Campaigns
Book PR
Book Marketing Publicity Campaigns
Radio Talk Show Campaigns
Top Nationally Syndicated Radio Show Bookings
TV Shows In Markets Across The USA
Online Media Publicity Campaigns
Performance PR and Publicity
Pay For Play Publicity Services
Media Training For Radio Shows, Online Media Placements And TV Shows Guest Appearances
Unlimited Media Training Included In Campaigns
Self-Published Author PR, Book Promotion And Book Marketing

Radio Talk Show Campaign For Authors, Experts, Speakers

The famous Annie Jennings PR Radio Campaign is offered as a guaranteed deliverable campaign. Promises are made about ranking, wattage size and location of the shows where you will be the guest interview. The radio publicity campaign also comes with unlimited media training by a professional media trainer to help you become a seasoned, confident and professional guest. Once you speak with Annie, you can decide which of our many radio campaigns our firm offers that would work best for you.

Publicity Campaign Include Radio Shows, Print and Online Media Bookings

What is a high-powered media publicity campaign for authors, experts, speakers, and consultants?

First, they should be out sharing their message, book title and website in the media. They should appear on radio talk shows as well as in online media and TV shows. Being seen and heard on well-known TV shows in cities across the country is powerful for your brand. Also, it is excellent, again, for your brand and for influential exposure to be the quoted expert contributor to a major online media website.

The media can mention your book, credentials, website, and more so your audience can get in touch with you. Publicity is the fastest way to rise to the top of your field, create a significant big brand for you and your business, and attract more opportunities from publishers, speaker outlets or your consulting services.

Getting Booked On Radio Shows Is The Foundation Of Your Publicity Campaign

Why? Appearing as a guest on a radio show has numerous benefits to the client as they are starting to build up a persuasive, professional, and influential media bio that shows that our clients are currently contributing to our society, via the media, in a meaningful way. Radio shows are the foundation to create a strong and influential media bio. The bigger the radio show, the better.

The bigger the city or market rankings for the radio show you are booked on as the guest interview, the better for you. These high-listenership radio shows carry power, major exposure, influence and clout. Our radio campaign is considered the #1 top campaign in the PR industry as our clients only are booked on the best shows. You get the high-impact, high listenership shows that broadcast to the heart of the market and you can also get booked on the regional and nationally syndicated radio talk shows.

#AnnieJenningsPR’s highly sought after radio campaign on books guest on show  in the top markets in the country. Our clients have access to our proprietary developmental strategy from our professional PR team that can get our clients ready to qualify for these major, in-demand, radio shows.

Performance publicity (pay for play) for #authors with guaranteed deliverables by our nationally recognized PR firm!

Here’s a tip for marketing your book: A great way to promote your book is to get interviews on radio talk shows in major cities and the big shows in those cities as well as the nationally syndicated radio shows. Radio show interviews are author-friendly. They allow you to mention your book and how readers can buy it.

Unlimited Media Training!

#AnnieJenningsPR gives you UNLIMITED FREE MEDIA TRAINING (this can be worth thousands of dollars in the media training sector). You’ll learn great media guest skills and how to promote your book professionally. Plus, with each appearance in the media, you strengthen your brand. Brand attracts new opportunities. Big shows, major cities, nationals! https://www.anniejenningspr.com. #radiopublicity #authorpr #bestprfirm #bookpr #authorpublicity #unlimitedfreemediatraining

Publicity Campaigns For TV Show Bookings

And this impactful TV campaign begins with radio. Why? Radio is a great training ground for developing a strong media skill set that you can apply to your pursuit of TV bookings. There is a catch-22 in TV.  It is that you need TV to get TV.  The producers need proof positive that you are a qualified and talented guest who can be successful in the segment.

This presents a bit of a challenge but nothing that our firm cannot handle. Annie Jennings offers bookings on local TV shows, regional TV shows, and on the nationals. Once you speak with our firm we will be able to identify your potential for TV. As you may guess, the TV spots are in tremendous demand. However, we love the competition and we go after the TV bookings for our clients with the intent of securing the booking.

Publicity Campaigns For Print & Online Media

Major print media in the national media or in your industry trade is quite influential.  Our online media campaign can offer you access to tremendous exposure.  Many media websites will link back to your site creating even more SEO value. Keep in mind to be at most in demand as a guest you want to create diversified media bio. Your media bio should show competency at all levels of traditional media including radio TV, print, and online media.

Pay For Performance Publicity Campaigns & Guaranteed Deliverable Radio PR Campaigns

Annie Jennings PR offers her famous pay for performance PR campaigns and performance publicity for TV, print and online media. This campaign allows the client to work closely with a designated PR specialist in their area of expertise. Together, both the client and publicist create the strategy that will help bring the client closer to their goals and objectives. Publicists then target certain media that fall within the strategy. When you speak with Annie be sure to ask about her breakthrough performance publicity and guaranteed deliverable PR programs to learn more.

Publicity Campaign

#pragency #bestPRfirm #authorPR #publicityservices #bookmarketingfirm #publicistforauthors #bestbookpublicist #authorpublicity #breakingnewsbookingfirm #bookPR

Get Author Publicity Annie Jennings PR